Before you create a menu and design your truck, consider whether starting a food truck business really is the right fit for you. Ask yourself these 3 questions:

How well do I know the business?

Before taking the food truck plunge, there’s a lot of research to be done, Anthony says. He spent hours online reading guides and articles about successful businesses. He also toured “food truck cities” to watch traffic flow and speak with owners.

Figure out how many other food trucks specialize in the kind of food you plan on offering. If there are already three sandwich trucks that frequent the business district, is there room for yours too? Try to soak up as much information as you can before making a decision.

Can I handle the schedule?

Your workday starts long before you pull into your lunchtime parking spot. You’ll need to buy food and prep it before you start putting everything together for your customers. While the weekday lunch crowd could be your main source of income, there are a lot of weekend events that could bring in some money too. Are you prepared to put in these hours?


How will I find the right vehicle?

You’re not going to head out to your local dealership and buy a brand new 2014 food truck fresh off the showroom floor. Most food trucks are custom-made. This process will take time and money. Plus, you want to find the right partner to build your truck because prices and workmanship can vary. Go in with a plan.


Helpful resources

Here are several websites that offer additional information on how to start a food truck business:

Do you own a food truck business? Share your tips and experience with others in the comment section below.

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