In this on-the-go world, mobile food options are becoming more and more popular. If you run a food cart or food truck business, you want your operation to stand out. In an outdoor arena, where your competitors often reside feet from your business, a unique and attention-grabbing menu design can make all the difference.

There are several design elements to consider in creating a food cart menu design that will set you apart and entice customers.

Here are a few you will want to think about: 

Providing colorful presentations : The right presentation of the food items your truck sells always plays a huge role in making a sale, either while the customer is currently in line, or in the future.  Unfortunately, many food trucks don’t spend much time or involve much creativity of their card designs. Food truck menu cards deliver a new customer their first impression of the quality and the kind of dishes your truck serves.

Highlight Your Best Dishes: When you are designing the menu board, leave the upper right-hand corner or the center of the board for your most popular dishes. The eye is naturally drawn to these spots first and this way you are ensuring that your best dishes are noticed first. Not every passerby will take the time to read the whole menu so you want to make sure the best of what you offer pops easily off the board.

Match Your Brand: Your menu is an extension of your brand. Just as any other item representing your food truck brand, your menu cards need to use your brand’s color scheme. If someone sees your menu card in the service window or online, they should get an accurate sense of what eating at your truck will be like, too.

Make Your Food Truck Board Easy to Update: Prices are always going to fluctuate and certain vegetables may or may not be in season at different times of the year, so make sure your menu board is easy to update whenever you need to. Fancy boards might be harder and more expensive to update so take that into consideration.

Get Feedback on Your Menu Board: Don’t be afraid to ask your customers and your social media followers for feedback on your menu board. They can let you know if your descriptions are confusing or if the board is hard to read.

Now once you got the customers to line up and place the order, it is now time for you to wow them with your delicious meals and exemplary customer service. Everything needs to be working in tandem. The creative sign draws them in and the food and service keeps them coming back for more!

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